The Russian FSB picked up where the Soviet KGB left off. The KGB specialized in covert bugs and complicit informants. The FSB uses contemporary technology.
Almost every Russian uses an FSB-controlled web browser, search engine, and email service. FSB-controlled computers and mobile phones are Russia's most popular. If a Russian is using their computer or phone, they're logged in and sharing all their data.
Russians rely on FSB for GPS directions, sharing their location through apps. They use voice control on their phone, so it is always listening to them.
They host their photos and files on FSB's servers. They use FSB software when they write documents and create spreadsheets.
Most Russian websites use FSB-hosted fonts, analytics, and tracking software. This means the FSB can track even those Russians who don't use FSB computers or phones.
Using Artificial Intelligence, FSB tracks where each Russian goes and what they do. It discerns their faces, voices, and online behaviors with granular precision. It profiles them and everyone they encounter. Everyone they help. Everyone who shows up where they show up, even if they don't interact.
Sorry, my mistake. Not FSB. Not Russia. Google. It knows far too much about you. Far too much about me. It exists to surveil. Its value is a function of how well it understands us.
You can protect yourself, and your friends, family, and colleagues. Make it harder to discipline and punish marginalized people. "Take care of the many who, for no fault of their own, get the short straws in life. They deserve better."
You might consider accepting minor inconveniences. Linux on your Chromebook; no more ChromeOS. Replace Android on your phone. Use Signal. Buy Apple if you can, and learn which settings to use. Janet Vertesi explains things in her Opt Out Project.
Everyone is asking what they can do. This is something that you can do.
Walk away from all things Substack, X, TikTok. Run away from Google.
Welcome to February 2025’s Disappearing Moment, an inventory of my experiences. I hope you enjoy it.
- Rebel Spirit (I Loved It): Cincinnati, check. Sports, check. Akilah Hughes wants her alma mater to replace its racist mascot. She documents her project with humor, precision, and nuance.
- Road to Rickwood (I Liked It): I saw Michael Jordan play for the Birmingham Barons. This was after they moved from Rickwood Field to Hoover Metropolitan Stadium. He wasn't bad.
Nerdy Software
Consent-O-Matic is a browser extension. It fills out cookie popups based on your preferences.
Free Font
The Atkinson Hyperlegible Next Font is new this year. It makes a readable, accessible font even better.
Bougie Products
I like Apple products.
Personal Finance and Investing
When you can, buy independent and local. Prefer used to new, repairable to disposable, ethical to exploitative.
- Warren Buffett, “Berkshire Hathaway, Shareholder Letter, 2024” (I Liked It). I like Buffett. I’m going to miss him.
- Alex Chan, “It’s cool to care” (I Liked It). Alex is right.
- Steve Yegge, “The Death of the Stubborn Developer” (I Liked It). I used to dream about getting paid to write code. No more. It sounds awful.
Is Your House… Part of Your Investment Portfolio?
- Alexa! Check out my Amazon cart.
- Black windows (and Barn Doors!)
- Carpet. Carpet, Carpet, Carpet.
- Doorbell. Camera.
- Elementary schools: Great! Middle and High School? I mean… not for my kids.
- Fences
- Gardens? Duuude. I have a landscaper.
- Historical Districts are such a pain. Can I drop the designation?
- Island! Yes, this is the perfect place to put in an island!
- Joolz stroller, Juul vape, Jewel on my headphones singing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”
- Kitchen cabinets make all the difference!
- Local paper? Who cares?
- My kid lives in our other house.
- Neutraface House Numbers
- “Opened” “Floorplan”
- Painted. Brick.
- Quikrete
- Real Wood Look floors
- Smart. Home.
- Teardown or Remodel? It’s so hard to decide.
- Uber Eats
- Voting? In local elections?
- Welcome new neighbors? Like… with cookies?!
- Xenophobiamobiles
- Yoga. Room.
- Zumba
Thank you for spending a few moments with me. I appreciate you and look forward to corresponding again next month.
Want to discuss any of the topics in this newsletter or anything else with other Disappearing Moment readers? Please sign up for Perpetual August. I think it might be fun.
No large language models were used in the production of the Disappearing Moment newsletter or website (inspired by RFC 9518 Appendix A ¶ 4 and Tantek Çelik).